Check back for more information on the next Discovery Class.
Learn about why you're here and why you matter.
Connect with others and start intentionally building your community.
Start the CLASS 101 online today!
Once you have finished CLASS 101, please email us your completed homework.
Learn simple habits and different steps you can take to mature and grow as a Christian.
Stop feeling like you're alone in your problems by finding the right Life Group.
Start the CLASS 201 online today!
Once you have finished CLASS 201, please email us your completed homework.
Find the perfect place for you to serve based on who you are.
The best part? You'll learn more about yourself and your spiritual gifts.
Start CLASS 301 online today!
Once you have completed CLASS 301, please
email us to let us know you are ready for the intentional discipleship survey.
Gives you the roadmap to start making an impact on a personal, local, and global scale.
Learn how to tell your story and share your faith with the people around you.
CLASS 401 must be taken in person.
Prerequisites: Class 101, Class 201, Class 301